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This project is coordinated by IRD, Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement

NUTRIPASS "Prevention of malnutrition and associated pathologies" department

UMR Nutripass

BP 64501
911, avenue Agropolis
34394 Montpellier Cedex


, Coordinator

, Manager

Tel : + 33 (0)4 67 41 63 67
Fax: + 33 (0)4 67 41 61 57

Workshops and Meetings

4 Results

Workshop WP 6 1 - MCM

Jakarta, from 18 February 2013 to 22 February 2013

Workshop and training to SEA partners on the MCM (Multi-Criteria Mapping technique) software. It includes training on conducting interviews using the MCM technique to 2 interviewers of each target countries. The interviews to stakeholders were organized in the following months....

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Mid-Term Assembly Meeting

Kuta, Bali, Indonesia, from 26 February 2013 to 01 March 2013

The mid-term assembly meeting has been the opportunity to discuss about the interventions to prioritize for each country. Outcomes of the first workpackage have been assessed. Recommendations form the advisory group gave insights to the consortium to carry out the work and research in continuation. ...

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Advocacy Conference on Food Based interventions

Bangkok, Thailand, from 27 June 2013 to 29 June 2013

This meeting co-organized by the Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University and IRD is held in Bangkok the 27-28th of June to inform, discuss and advocate to policy makers and stakeholders of the 5 Asian countries involved and the international community the potential of food based approaches, ...

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Fourth Steering Committee Meeting

Vientiane, LAO PDR, from 02 October 2013 to 03 October 2013

This meeting enabled the consortium to took last decisions to finalize WP 4, organize the interviews to stakeholders (WP 6) and prepare the way for advocacy work (WP 7) and final dissemination (WP 8). Decisions on scientific publications have also been taken.The day following the steering commitee ...

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