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This project is coordinated by IRD, Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement

NUTRIPASS "Prevention of malnutrition and associated pathologies" department

UMR Nutripass

BP 64501
911, avenue Agropolis
34394 Montpellier Cedex


, Coordinator

, Manager

Tel : + 33 (0)4 67 41 63 67
Fax: + 33 (0)4 67 41 61 57

Workshop - Training extraction framework and mathemaical models of Optifood

Bangkok, Mahidol University, from 17 September 2012 to 21 September 2012

The objective of the workshop was to traine partners from SEA countries on the use of the data extraction Framework and the way to run the mathematical models developped by LSTHM, the Optifood software.

Country-specific data will be compiled, synthesized and reviewed to produce a preliminary report for discussions at the SEA workshop to plan priority actions. Following this workshop a final set of reports is under preparation for dissemination and publication.

These reports will include (a) the nutrient requirements that are most difficult to achieve using local food sources; (b) the costs of achieving specific nutrient requirements, (c) the lowest cost nutritionally optimal diets in relation to household incomes and food insecurity (d) the comparative costs-nutritional benefits of alternative micronutrient interventions for improving micronutrient intakes of high risk populations in SE Asia, and (e) proposed sets of evidence-based, food-based dietary guidelines to improve the micronutrient intakes of high risk populations of WRA and young children in the participating SE Asian countries. These reports will underline the cost-effectiveness of food-based approaches to improve micronutrient status of vulnerable groups in SE Asia and inform fortification/supplementation policies.

Just to make sure of the good recipe: rice noodle in soup made from fish, coconut, vegetables, and 3 pieces of duck blood on the top - Rapid Assessment Survey, June 2012, Lao's PDR