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This project is coordinated by IRD, Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement

NUTRIPASS "Prevention of malnutrition and associated pathologies" department

UMR Nutripass

BP 64501
911, avenue Agropolis
34394 Montpellier Cedex


, Coordinator

, Manager

Tel : + 33 (0)4 67 41 63 67
Fax: + 33 (0)4 67 41 61 57

WP 1: Coordination and management


The overall management plan for the project is aimed at achieving the following objectives:

1. Co-ordination and management of the project at scientific, technical, financial and administrative levels;

2. Monitoring results to control their scientific and technical quality with regard to fulfilling the planned objectives, timing and spent resources;

3. Efficient organization setup to support the project, with special attention paid to financial, information, logistics and coordination issues, quality and conformity to EC rules and procedures

The steering commitee and advisory group, Mid-term meeting, Kuta, Bali, February 2013

Management amongst the consortium

The project management team consist of the scientific coordinator, Jacques Berger, and the project manager, Gentiane Blanchard, at the IRD. Each beneficiary has some management tasks to carry out too.

Every six months, a steering committee meeting is held in one of the target countries. The steering committee group consists of the management team and one representant at least per partner organization.

These moments are aimed at ensuring scientific and technical management:
- Co-ordination of scientific activities carried out by each partner so they are actually complementary and achieved according to the work plan
- Quality control with regard to the EC grant agreement through appropriate mitigation measures and alternative approaches.

The Kick-off Meeting was held in March 2012 in Montpellier, the Second Steering Commitee Meeting was held in September 2012 in Bangkok, Thailand; the Mid-term Assembly Meeting was organized in March 2013, Bali, Indonesia. The last Steering Commitee Meeting was organized in October 2013, In Vientiane, Lao's PDR.

The Final Assembly Meeting and dissemination event will be organized in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, in April 2014.

The advisory board is invited to participate at three Steering Commitee Meetings: the first one (Kick-off Meeting, March 2012), the third one (mid-term meeting assembly, March 2013) and the final one (the final assembly, April 2014).