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This project is coordinated by IRD, Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement

NUTRIPASS "Prevention of malnutrition and associated pathologies" department

UMR Nutripass

BP 64501
911, avenue Agropolis
34394 Montpellier Cedex


, Coordinator

, Manager

Tel : + 33 (0)4 67 41 63 67
Fax: + 33 (0)4 67 41 61 57

Second Steering Committee Meeting

Bangkok, from 13 September 2012 to 14 September 2012

The second steering committee meeting took place in Bangkok the 13th and 14 th of February.

The first outcomes of the WP 3 and WP 2 were assessed. The work to be done before the end of the year on the bibliography review (WP 2), national reports on prevention programs (WP 2), final assessment on the food composition table in eavh countries (WP 3) field work to carry out to implementation of the linear programming (WP4) were planned.