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This project is coordinated by IRD, Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement

NUTRIPASS "Prevention of malnutrition and associated pathologies" department

UMR Nutripass

BP 64501
911, avenue Agropolis
34394 Montpellier Cedex


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Tel : + 33 (0)4 67 41 63 67
Fax: + 33 (0)4 67 41 61 57

Infopoint on SMILING, Brussels

28 April 2014

From science to policy: how to prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies in South-East Asia
Outcomes of the EU FP7 SMILING project and the way forward

Smiling: Using innovative techniques for capacity building while also providing scientific evidence for policy making to improve micronutrient status in South-East Asia (Cambodia - Indonesia - Laos PDR -Thailand – Vietnam).

Lunch-time conference, 12h30-14h00

•Mr Pedro CAMPOS-LLOPIS Policy Officer, DEVCO C1, Rural Development, Food Security, Nutrition
•Mrs Alexandra TUIJTELAARS Project Officer, DG Research and Innovation, F3 Agri-food chain

•Dr. Maiza CAMPOS PONCE Assistant Professor, VU University Amsterdam
•Dr. Elaine FERGUSON Senior Lecturer, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine